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TC Jaminan Tambahan (TCJT)

TCJT provides protection from unexpected car repair costs. Buying an extended warranty can give you peace of mind and make a service you can trust. You get to enjoy crystal clear packages at very competitive prices and there’s no one-size-fits-all best extended warranty provider. Be insured and it’s a good idea to get the right type of warranty cover for you. There are 2 plans to choose from; EARLY BIRD package where you can get 10% discount upon purchase within the first 12 months and ADVANCE package where plan extend after 12 months till the last 3 months of the vehicle Manufacturer’s warranty.

More Benefits

Full repayment up to your original Vehicle Purchase Price.

Maximum claims payout up to RM140,000.

Hassle-free and easy claim processing and settlement.

Other Benefits



Applicable Type: New Car with Valid Manufacturer Warranty

  • 3 years Manufacturer’s Warranty: Starts at 13th month up to 33rd month (3 months before expiry of manufacturer’s warranty)
  • 5 Years Manufacturer’s Warranty: Starts at 13th month up to 57th month (3 months before expiry of manufacturer’s warranty)


TCJT New Premium New Car Policy May2024 1 scaled e1715319961831 | Tan Chong Insure


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